22 June 2016


This Zombieland movie was directed by Ruben Fleischer. This movie is about all the zombie all around the place, four of the main character try to escape from the Zombieland. Zombie all around the world is crumbling them. The main character that first shown by the movie is call Columbus. Columbus was acted Jessie Eisenberg, he is a guy who lived in his own world with his game or any stuff on his laptop, he had not seen humans for months and he set a lots of survival rules for himself. He was a coward in the movie at first, he mentioned the 4 common rules in the movie. Firstly, rules number one is Cardio while the fatties were the first to go when the zombies struck, secondly is beware of bathrooms because zombies like to attack when you're most vulnerable, then the third one is always wear your seatbelt because they could save your life and lastly rules number four is double tap always hit a zombie twice to ensure it's dead. But the way, the rules that he made was no use while he met Tallahassee who acted by Woody Harrelson. He takes every opportunity on killing every zombie compare to Columbus. They meet each other on the road and Columbus take a ride with Tallahassee. Another character that is important in the movie is Wichita who acted by Emma Stone. She is a girl who brave, take every challenge she faced with her sister, Little Rock who acted by Abigail Breslin. Two of them saw are strong and cunning, they act in front of Columbus and Tallahassee and robbed their car and all those when they first met them. But at last, four of them travelling around to the destination that they wanted to go, but in the ending of the video they went to the pacific playland to have an adventurous challenge at there to face all the zombies.
In this movie, there are many different types of genres can be found out on it. The most common genre that we saw in this movie is horror, those scenes with zombie that full of bloodstains, bad looking as ghost or monster in the movie. For example, the girl 406 was at Columbuss room and when she transforms as a zombie, she tried to eat Columbus all the way. The part is a little bit when it comes with zombie chasing human and with those weird sound effects. It really brought out the impact of scare to audience who watch it.
Secondly, the second genre that we can be found out it in this movie is comedy genre. In the comedy genre, there are few types of different subgenre in comedy genre, dark comedy, slap-stick, parody. For example, one of the parody scene is the fat zombie guy is chasing Columbus. It shows the slow motion on how the fat zombie guy chase Columbus and the action. For the dark comedy is while the Columbus shoot the Bill Murray and the girl, Wichita still laughing at there while someone is death. Slap-stick is while Columbus set the rules and is funny. For instance, firstly, rules number one is Cardio while the fatties were the first to go when the zombies struck, secondly is beware of bathrooms because zombies like to attack when you're most vulnerable, then the third one is always wear your seatbelt because they could save your life and lastly rules number four is double tap always hit a zombie twice to ensure it's dead. Columbus is a funny guy in the movie.
Besides that, romance is one of the genre on it. We can see on that part that while Wichita dance with Columbus and then almost wanted to kiss but too bad Tallahassee was accidentally going in that room. Another romance genre happened is when Wichita faced chasing by the zombies and Columbus bravery go to help her. He is a coward but he insists to help her even though he scared.
 Another genre that we can found out is Science-fiction (Sci-Fi), the director used the setting of the society that zombie had change the world and kill the human. But it will not happen in the real world. Director used technology to transform the world to the another world that will not happen in the world.
Besides that, action also is one of the genre that we can found on it. For example, Tallahassee is an action hero in the movie, he can face all the zombie and kill all of them.  

Lastly the last genre that can be found is road film, the four main characters ride along on the way with together but they are going to different destination. Wichita and little rock always robbed Tallahassee and Columbus on the highway.

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