There are few history that how female fight for their equal right from the past. The First Wave is among 19th century and early 20th century. UK & US won improved rights for women in marriage and property. Its biggest achievement was winning some political power. In the UK the Suffragettes and Suffragists campaigned for the women’s vote. In 1918, women over thirty who owned property won the vote and in 1928 it was extended to all women over twenty-one. Secondly, the Second Wave is around 1960s & 1970s. It extended the fight beyond political rights to education, work and the home. Thirdly, the Third Wave is from 1990 till nowadays generation, some argue that seeing the history of feminism in just these three waves can ignore the fight for equal rights but for the fact that women are still unequal, by getting women to accept their unequal position in society.
In early Hollywood, women were always represented as an ideal wife who cooks, clean, raises well behaved towards her children, and please her husband. Women also represented with a neat appearance and pretty look at during those old time societies. There are few types of archetype that people define female as strong female, femme fatale, good wife, blondes, brunettes and etc. Some of it defined oppression, stereotype, objectification and patriarchy. Oppression is you can’t do anything even you don’t like it, when people think she is like this, she is being oppress by the people who think she is like that. Stereotype is means prejudice and generalization people by the male towards female. Objectification is how people place women as an object, normally from the television people place women as an sexual intonation. Next is patriarchy means last time generation, people will just follow what their father said, as father is the powerful person in a family at those old time generation. But for nowadays. women are influenced by the Feminist Movement that dates back in America and Europe since 1960s.
The Incredible is one the animation film that launched by Pixar Company that talking about the married superheroes, Incredible and Elastic girl. All the superheroes are forced to assume mundane lives as Bob and Helen Parr after the super-powered activities had been banned by the government. After they had been banned, Elastigirl seemed to be a feminist, on taking care her children and her husband, Mr Incredible. Life had other plans for her, however Elastigirl then changed her feminist to a more traditionalist and becoming a housewife and devoting her effort to being a good wife and mother. But Mr Incredible still wish to help the world as he has the superpower that others do not have. He still keep on finding chance to get battle with those bad who trying to spoil the city. One day, he gets a chance to summon to an island to battle with those out-of-control robot but Mr. Incredible is in trouble, it is a trap that did by a bad guy and end up his family try to save him. In this movie, they had created a new image of women and how should they be portrayed in today's society.
In conclusion, we as a female, we should stand out as a strong type of female. Last but not least, we should not let people look down on female even though in the society nowadays people still look down on female that female still can't do something that male did.
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