23 January 2016

Time Capsule

Time Capsule-week 1

A time capsule is being created that will include items contributed by young people from all over the world. This time capsule will only be opened in the year of 2120.

As a Malaysian, the item that I will like to purpose in this global time capsule project is film camera.
It is such a good memorable item that I would like to purpose to put it in the time capsule. I will shoot all the memories video of how we live in this city, how we communicate with each other and etc. In future they do not know how we are living in this city and they even do not know they are human living before in this world. To let them know, how special are we in the past 100 years before.

Besides that, I will put this film camera inside is because it is so precious for now. It will also precious for the generation in 2120. It can record all the memories in black and white and keep it forever. It is better than digital camera, because it is more precious and more memorable. It also reminds us the history of the film, film camera and the film maker that produced the film for us. Other than that, it represents our culture in our generation.

When I was asked to purpose one item in the time capsule, the first item that came into my mind is film camera. This is because it is too special for me and I hope that it will be appreciate by the human in future. I hope it will bring joy and happiness to the human in future who open my time capsule.

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